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zisun news

深耕產品技術 服務雙碳戰略|曼胡默爾集團與再升科技強強聯手







MANN+HUMMEL Group is a leading global company in filtration technology. Under its two business units Transportation and Life Sciences & Environment, the Ludwigsburg-based Group (Germany) develops intelligent filtration and separation solutions that enable cleaner mobility, cleaner air, cleaner water, and cleaner industry. Thus, the 1941 founded family-owned company makes an important contribution to a clean earth and the sustainable use of limited resources. In 2022, over 22,000 employees at more than 80 locations generated a turnover of EUR 4.8 billion. 


The portfolio comprises fuel, oil and air filters for combustion engines and industrial applications, filtration solutions for electric and hydrogen powered vehicles, simulation technologies and filter media, as well as membrane technologies for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment and use in sensitive process applications such as food production or biotechnology. Furthermore, the family-owned company, founded in 1941, offers air and molecular filtration technologies for vehicle interiors, building filtration, as well as industrial applications and cleanrooms.


MANN+HUMMEL Group has been present on the Chinese market for over 20 years, initially exclusively with filtration solutions for automotive, but in the past increasingly also with solutions for cleaner air and cleaner water.

MANN+HUMMEL Life Sciences & Environment Holding Singapore Pte. Ltd.

(簡稱“曼胡默爾新加坡控股”)為 MANN+HUMMEL Holding GmbH(德國企業,其直接股東為 MANN+HUMMEL International GmbH & Co. KG,簡稱“曼胡默爾集團”)控股的企業,其最終實際控制人為曼胡默爾集團。曼胡默爾新加坡控股的主要業務是全球投資控股和區域總部經濟,并為其子公司提供集中的行政管理服務。該公司還主要負責曼胡默爾集團生命科學與環境業務部門的戰略制定。

MANN+HUMMEL Life Sciences & Environment Holding Singapore Pte. Ltd. mentioned as “MANN+HUMMEL Singapore”is a subsidiary company controlled by MANN+HUMMEL Holding GmbH German company, and its immediate shareholder is MANN+HUMMEL International GmbH & Co. KG, mentioned as “MANN+HUMMEL Group”),and its ultimate actual controller is MANN+HUMMEL Group . The principal activities of MANN+HUMMEL Singapore are that of investment holding and of regional head office and to provide centralized administrative services to its subsidiaries. The Company is also the Strategy Leader of Life Sciences & Environment business unit of MANN+HUMMEL Group.



About Zisun


再升科技成立于2007年,國家高新技術企業,建有國家企業技術中心,公司于2015年 1月在上海主板掛牌上市, 股票代碼603601。公司專注于超細纖維、過濾材料、膜材、吸附材料、微靜電材料、油氣分離材料及隔音隔熱材料、凈化(過濾)設備等新材料新產品的研究,深耕技術產品,服務雙碳戰略,以材料為基石,深度挖掘材料的優勢性能,依托公司“國家企業技術中心”,發揮在 “干凈空氣”和“高效節能”領域多年深耕的技術優勢、材料優勢、檢測優勢、研發優勢和設計優勢,實施強有力的融合與跨界策略,不斷拓寬應用領域,為工業與民用、醫療、電子、新能源汽車、農牧業、室內公共空間、航空航天等領域提供“干凈空氣”和“高效節能”的應用產品及解決方案。

Founded in 2007, Chongqing Zaisheng Technology Corp., Ltd (herein called Zisun) recognized as National High-Tech Enterprise and National Enterprise Technology Center. On January 22nd, 2015, Zisun was listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange with stock code 603601. Zisun devoted itself to research and manufacture super fine fiber, membrane, adsorption material, micro-electrostatic material, oil-gas separation material and thermal & acoustical insulation material, with these incredible technologies and products, better serve to Double Carbon Strategy. Based on material resource, Zisun continuously deeps exploring the advantage and property of material, bringing its superiority in technology strength, material portfolio, test capacity, R&D power and design ability into full play in the market of Clean Air and High-Efficiency Energy Saving. Meanwhile Zisun implements strong integration and cross-border strategies to expand downstream application, and till so far Zisun is providing both Clean Air and High-Efficiency Energy Saving solutions to industrial application, civiluse, pharmaceutical use, medical use, electronic clean room, EV cabin, agriculture and livestock farming industry, public space, aerospace etc.



The Strategy Scheme And Future Plan For This Transaction



MANN+HUMMEL Group sees the rising demand for solutions for cleaner air and the necessity for strengthening its presence in China and South East Asia to serve customers locally and globally.  In acquiring majority share in U-AirMANN+HUMMEL Group will continue to improve the availability of its air filtration products to meet the increasing application and customer needs.  


再升科技得益于多年來在空氣過濾領域的創新型研發投入,擁有設計年產為 12萬噸的玻璃微纖維的研發、生產和銷售能力,在玻纖過濾材料、PTFE過濾材料、高效低阻熔噴過濾材料等市場占有重要地位。公司致力于為全球客戶提供優質、多元化的材料解決方案。雙方希望通過此次收購,達成多方面戰略合作關系。再升科技擬向曼胡默爾集團提供批量高品質過濾材料服務為起點,在新能源汽車等移動出行領域實現品牌、價值和業務的增長,同時將自身材料優勢推向更多的全球用戶,傳播再升品牌文化,不斷努力并為全球用戶提供最優質的產品和服務,滿足客戶不同的應用領域需求。

Zisun plays big role with its R&D, production and sales capability in glass microfiber (with designed production capacity around 120,000 annual tons) simultaneously in fiberglass, PTFE and melt-blown filtration media market thanks to the innovation and development in Clean Air field for years, and commits to provide excellent and diversified solutions to global customers. Based on this transaction, there is potential for mutual strategic cooperations in multifaced respects including Zisun would start to provide a good deal of high quality filtration material to assist MANN+HUMMEL Group value-added in brand, worth and business of new-energy automobile and EV market, and, at the same time Zisun’s material advantage can be promoted worldwide and brand story can be realized, which a good gesture to try to provide best quality and service and satisfaction on various applications to global market.


U-Air worked in air filtration field for years with much stronger competitiveness in technical and advanced quality and manufacturing process than any other players, particularly U-Air has sufficient experience in High-Tech industry, agriculture and livestock farming industry.



曼胡默爾集團和再升科技雙方的愿景、使命高度一致,即提供并賦能更加潔凈的空氣。雙方希望充分利用各自的現有技術,在全球范圍內實現相關過濾材料及設備的共同開發、測試及業務拓展。再升科技將在未來持續致力于為潔凈空氣領域提供系統解決方案,為潔凈空氣、高效節能、新能源汽車領域等事業貢獻一份力量;曼胡默爾集團將通過再升提供優質過濾材料,擴大其空氣過濾業務,增強其在亞太地區的影響力,同時更加全球化地服務客戶,持續提高其空氣過濾產品的品質和使用價值;再升愿意向曼胡默爾集團出售持有悠遠環境 70%的股權,曼胡默爾同意購買悠遠環境70%的股權。

MANN+HUMMEL Group and Zisun share similar ideas concerning vision and mission. Providing and enabling cleaner air is a priority for both companies. Apart from the acquisition of majority share in U-Air, both companies will bring their respective technologies to the table to explore further opportunities of co-development, co-testing, co-production and co-marketing on related products. Zisun will proceed to provide comprehensive solutions for Cleaner Air and Lower Energy Consumption. MANN+HUMMEL Group intends to expand its air filtration business and strengthen its presence in China and South East Asia through material and services provided by Zisun. This will improve the availability of MANN+HUMMEL Group’s air filtration products and be good for serving customers globally. In consideration of above, Zisun is willing to sell 70% of U-Air share to MANN+HUMMEL Singapore, which ultimate acquirer actually is MANN+HUMMEL Group.


Zisun and MANN+HUMMEL Group will work together on innovating and developing Clean Air products, extending U-Air’s application and further improving the scale and technology strength of JV, meanwhile helping each other in material supplying, brand complementarity, technology resource sharing and segmented market positioning to satisfy customers with highest level service and best products.


“U-Air is very well positioned in the attractive and fast-growing filtration market. Together, both companies will be able to expand their production capacities and to serve customers even faster with products at the highest level. Meanwhile, for Zisun, this transaction will boost business configuration in New Energy Vehicles and enhance brand value, and it’s also a good opportunity to serve excellent vehicle producer globally.” said Hat Guo, Board Chairman of Zisun group.

就像我們成功服務了幾十年高速發展的中國汽車市場一樣,空氣過濾行業如今在中國也日益增長。我們的客戶期望得到更快的交貨和更高的產品標準。我們也期待與悠遠環境一起開拓進軍新市場。”曼胡默爾集團總裁兼首席執行官 Kurk Wilks說道。 

“Just like the automotive market that we successfully serve for decades, the air filtration industry is on the rise in China. Our customers expect even faster deliveries and the highest product standards. We look forward to tapping into new industries and to moving forward with U-Air,” said Kurk Wilks, President and CEO of the MANN+HUMMEL Group.